Tin's About

Welcome to the About Section

*I am updating this in real time! Please be paitent!*

Hello! I'm Tinfoil, the site master. I enjoy writing, sewing, and a large number of other assorted hobbies. Apparently HTML is the next thing for me at the moment, which is funny to me as I seem to pick up a new skill every week.

green ribbon and bow

I'm a Pisces, I'm queer, I despise Twitter, I do not like Elon Musk. I go on walks nearly every day. I have a dog and a cat. I have a Minecraft world that's been one of my pet projects for the last year or so. My favorite shows include Fullmetal Alchemist, Steven Universe and Beastars. I am also employed and a full-time student so reponses will be limited.

green ribbon and bow

Part of the reason I chose to set this up, secondly to the fun of it, was so I could have some control over a corner of the World Wide Web. I wanted to be able to have full control over something that would not get deleted in 2 years (looking at you, Twitter). And, I can make it as gaudy as I want. And gaudy it shall remain! It is ugly and frankly nasty and I adore it.